
Commitment at all levels distinguishes BH SENS.

Dealing with resources

BH SENS has made it its business to use resources sparingly. We strictly reject the waste of energy and materials in order to act in an environmentally conscious manner.

As a manufacturing industrial company, we fulfil this responsibility and at the same time help indirectly with our products to reduce worldwide fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions and to extend the service life of tires. In addition, the range of electric vehicles is increased.


We demand the highest efficiency from ourselves in order not to waste precious energy.


Each of us contributes to giving something back to our environment and acting responsibly.

Deeds instead of words

BH SENS has its own task force for the topic of sustainability. We review our supply chains and use ecologically optimised materials.

  • Environment 

    There are many ways to protect and give back to our environment.

    Learn more

  • Road safety 

    Safety for ourselves and for our families – with products from BH SENS.

    Learn more

Our values

Safety is a matter close to our hearts.     
Our products increase road safety and help to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

More about our values