
There are many ways to protect our environment and give something back to it. 

We take responsibility for our environment.

The eco-friendly and efficient use of
resources is important to us.

Potential savings of tons of CO₂ / year in Germany 
with the right tire pressure

With our tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), we help protect our environment.            

*Calculated using average values from 2022. Source: German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 2023. Valid for the German passenger car market

Our mission 

Tire pressure monitoring systems are not just a product for us. We are convinced that we contribute to the protection of our environment.


Longer tire life

Correct tire pressure reduces tire wear. This not only saves money but also helps to produce and dispose of fewer tires.

More range

The rolling resistance of the tire is reduced by the correct tire pressure. This increases the range, also of electric vehicles.

Lower fuel consumption

Between 1-3 % fuel is saved by driving with the prescribed tire pressure. This is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet.

Calculate how much fuel and CO₂ you can save

Vehicle Type
Consumption (l / 100km)
Fuel type
km driven per year

*Calculated using average values from the past three years. Source: Statista 2023. Valid for the German passenger car market.

Improved environmental balance

With our task force for more sustainability, we at BH SENS have already been able to identify many levers for acting more sustainably and using our resources more sparingly.

Due to the importance of the topic, the responsibility for implementation is borne by our own management.